Saturday, 26 October 2013

Second off

As this is a newstart and I haven't done it before I thought I might need a little bit of an introduction. Since this is a food blog I think I should explain what I eat. Plainly I could say I eat everthing. That's regarding all the forms of eating out there -"normal" (meat) eater, vegetarian, vegan, raw, paleo, gluten and dairy free. I eat it all!
Because I don't believe religiously in THE ONE diet. I believe in moderation and that the bad things in a modern diet are the sugar overdoses and highly processed foods. I prefer natural food that ideally I prepared myself. Still I didn't completely figured out what works best for me but one thing I feel alot better without is bread. I don't know why and I seriously love bread believe me but I'd feel terribly bloated and it's just no good.
Besides I'm batteling binge eating. I'm really bad at stopping to eat sometimes. And although I eat a lot of healthy stuff if you eat half the jar of almond butter that's seriously bad. I have never been overweight but for a long time now I've tried to reduce my weight. I'm 5'9" and a lot of people told me when I was younger I could be a model but I slowly kept putting on weight and now with a body fat percentage of 33% I want to go into reverse.
In my early teens til the end of high school I did more than ten years of horseback riding and that has been all my exercise (indeed not very much) and just the last two years I discovered that I actually really like working out. I tried a couple of classes at uni -taekwondo and a basic fitness class which was good for gaining a basic strenght and stamina but as it never changed it became boring very fast. Last semester I discovered HIIT and kettlebells and totally loved it! A real challenge but you feel so strong! Sadly this semester I can't do any of theses classes due to my time table. Maybe I'll join a gym though I never thought I could like them but I'll do a trial class next monday and will let you know. Because fitness is very important to me and the gym does lesmills classes and thai boxing which I would very much like to try. Still I know the most work will be to control my eating.
So far for today,


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