Monday, 11 November 2013

I'm too busy!!!

I'm just so busy these days with uni mainly. But then I also joined that gym and I try to go there at nigth for group classes which leaves not much time for other things. But I tried and created some yummie recipes which I will hopfully be able to post the next days. To name a few: I made banana bread, spaghetti sqash and some smoothies and sweet treats ;)
But in spite of this awful busy I'm proud of myself that I managed to eat mostly healthy this week and go to two group classes. The second on was LesMills Bodypump and although I did kettle bell classes last semester I have now the most terrible sore arms! And it's now 3 days ago and I didn't do anything in between. It was fun though and of course now I'm looking forward to improve!
Tomorrow night is LesMills Grit Plyo class, last time that was pretty exhausting as well but it totally works!
Now I need some sleep for the dreaded long Monday...

Baked Cauliflower with Cashew Nuts

This is such a simple yet so delicious dish! Just throw everthing quickly together and put it in the oven and a light dinner or lunch is ready! This makes a nice side dish but also is a yummy and satifying light meal. Here the quick how-to:

- 1 cauliflower head
- handful of cashew nuts
- 1 Tbsp oil (use olive oi or coconut oil)
- 1 Tbsp sesame seeds

Preheat the oven to 170° C, cut the cauliflower into little florettes and tip in a baking dish with the oil, cashew nuts and sesame seeds. Stir to coat the cauliflower well and then just bake for about 15-20 Mins until the cauliflower is at the tips golden brown.

If you want to make this a big whole meal I'd suggest to add a little protein (for example chicken or tofu) as well as some greens. Always eat your greens! :)

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